Team: Windhappers A

The Hague, Netherlands
Registered on:
Confirmation on:
Matches played (not played):
16 (0)
Won / Lost / Draw:
12 / 4 / 0
Total number of matches:

Total points earned:
Goals made:
Goals against:
Team members: G
1 Sytse van der Zwan 0 0 0 0
2 Erik Boes 0 0 0 0
3 Carlo Roeleveld 0 0 0 0
5 Koen Boes 0 0 0 0
6 Roy Hopman 0 0 0 0
7 Guido Stam 0 0 0 0
Round 1 - Group: A
# Team P GD GF GA Played Won Lost Draw
1 Groningen B 46 90 111 21 16 15 0 1
2 Michiel de Ruyter 3 37 34 88 54 16 12 3 1
3 Windhappers A 36 58 94 36 16 12 4 0
4 Viking Venlo B 28 20 73 53 16 9 6 1
5 Keistad B 26 8 71 63 16 8 6 2
6 Rijnland B 20 -35 52 87 16 6 8 2
7 Michiel de Ruyter 4 10 -46 43 89 16 3 12 1
8 Helmvaarders A 9 -41 43 84 16 3 13 0
9 Keistad C 0 -88 29 117 16 0 16 0
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result Jury
Match: 2 1 09:00 3 Windhappers A - Michiel de Ruyter 3 2 - 6 Helmvaarders A
Match: 14 1 11:00 3 Windhappers A - Groningen B 2 - 6 Michiel de Ruyter 4
Match: 25 1 13:00 2 Keistad C - Windhappers A 0 - 10 Michiel de Ruyter 3
Match: 48 1 16:00 3 Keistad B - Windhappers A 3 - 8 Helmvaarders A
Match: 70 2 08:00 3 Windhappers A - Viking Venlo B 2 - 3 -
Match: 89 2 11:30 3 Windhappers A - Michiel de Ruyter 4 5 - 4 -
Match: 98 2 13:00 3 Rijnland B - Windhappers A 1 - 6 -
Match: 117 2 16:00 3 Windhappers A - Helmvaarders A 8 - 0 -
Match: 124 3 09:00 1 Keistad C - Windhappers A 1 - 9 Zeewitoe
Match: 140 3 11:15 1 Keistad B - Windhappers A 2 - 7 Rijnland B
Match: 160 3 14:00 1 Windhappers A - Viking Venlo B 5 - 2 Michiel de Ruyter 3
Match: 176 3 16:30 1 Windhappers A - Michiel de Ruyter 3 5 - 3 Keistad B
Match: 196 4 09:30 1 Rijnland B - Windhappers A 2 - 11 Keistad C
Match: 212 4 12:00 1 Windhappers A - Helmvaarders A 10 - 1 Michiel de Ruyter 4
Match: 219 4 13:00 1 Windhappers A - Michiel de Ruyter 4 4 - 1 -
Match: 234 4 15:00 1 Windhappers A - Groningen B 0 - 1 Viking Venlo B

P = Total points, GD = Goal difference, GF = Goals for, GA = Goals against, G = Goals made

Jury matches:
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result Jury
Match: 40 1 15:00 3 Viking Venlo B - Helmvaarders A 6 - 5 Windhappers A
Match: 55 1 17:00 3 Rijnland B - Helmvaarders A 7 - 4 Windhappers A
Match: 132 3 10:00 1 Rijnland B - Helmvaarders A 3 - 2 Windhappers A
Match: 148 3 12:30 1 Rijnland B - Michiel de Ruyter 3 4 - 5 Windhappers A
Match: 184 3 17:30 1 Rijnland B - Michiel de Ruyter 4 6 - 3 Windhappers A
Match: 189 4 08:30 2 Viking Venlo B - Michiel de Ruyter 4 5 - 5 Windhappers A