Deventer Int 2023

Aktuelles Wetter

International Canoe Polo Tournament Deventer

The Deventer international tournament will be held for the 10th time this year, on 1 and 2 July. To celebrate this milestone, we've added two extra divisions: a third division and a ladies division. The ladies division will double as the Dutch championship, but registration is open for everyone. Teams can register here!


This year we also have a chef who provides a delicious bbq and English breakfast

Registration is complete when the registration fee has been paid


Bank: NL63INGB0006869493

Online-Anmeldung von 18 Februar, 2023 bis 1 Juni, 2023
Klicken Sie auf ein Datum, um den Spielplan zu sehen.

Route planen     Location: Gashavenstraat 9, Deventer, Nederland