Team: KSV Glauchau U16

KSV Glauchau
Glauchau, Germany
Registered on:
Confirmation on:
Statistics or tournament Deutschland Cup 2024:
Matches played (not played):
8 (0)
Won / Lost / Draw:
7 / 1 / 0
Total number of matches:

Total points earned:
Goals made:
Goals against:

Number of received green cards:
Number of received yellow cards:
Number of received red cards:
Team members: G
1 Schnabel, Finley 20 0 0 1
2 Will, Arthur Clemens 6 0 0 1
3 Skoda, Moritz 12 0 0 1
5 Schönherr, Noah 3 1 0 1
7 Kreher, Anna-Marie 1 0 0 0
9 Reimers, Lenjo 8 0 0 1
Round 1 - Group: E
# Team P GD GF GA Played Won Lost Draw
1 KSV Glauchau U16 9 15 20 5 3 3 0 0
2 KCNW Berlin U16 6 2 11 9 3 2 1 0
3 Alytus SRC U16 3 -6 8 14 3 1 2 0
4 WSF Liblar U16 0 -11 4 15 3 0 3 0
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result
1 08:05 7 KSV Glauchau U16 - WSF Liblar U16 7 - 0
1 14:00 7 KSV Glauchau U16 - Alytus SRC U16 8 - 3
1 19:15 5 KSV Glauchau U16 - KCNW Berlin U16 5 - 2
Round 2 - Group: AF
# Team P GD GF GA Played Won Lost Draw
1 KSV Glauchau U16 9 15 20 5 3 3 0 0
2 KRM Essen U16 6 2 11 9 3 2 1 0
3 KSV Havelbrüder U16 3 -4 7 11 3 1 2 0
4 WWS Dresden U16 0 -13 4 17 3 0 3 0
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result
2 10:30 8 KSV Glauchau U16 - KRM Essen U16 5 - 3
2 14:15 8 KSV Glauchau U16 - WWS Dresden U16 8 - 1
2 17:55 8 KSV Glauchau U16 - KSV Havelbrüder U16 7 - 1
Day Time Pitch Round Group Team A - Team B Result
3 09:30 7 3 BI KCNW Berlin U16 - KSV Glauchau U16 2 - 7
Day Time Pitch Round Group Team A - Team B Result
3 14:00 1 4 CC KRM Essen U16 - KSV Glauchau U16 4 - 3

P = Total points, GD = Goal difference, GF = Goals for, GA = Goals against, G = Goals made

Jury or referee matches:
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Jury Referee(s)
1 08:40 8 UKS Katowice U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 KSV Glauchau U16
1 18:15 7 KGW Essen U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 KSV Glauchau U16