Team: TuS Warfleth U16

TuS Warfleth
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Statistics or tournament Deutschland Cup 2024:
Matches played (not played):
7 (0)
Won / Lost / Draw:
2 / 3 / 2
Total number of matches:

Total points earned:
Goals made:
Goals against:

Number of received green cards:
Number of received yellow cards:
Number of received red cards:
Team members: G
1 Stührmann, Aron 3 0 0 0
2 Holland, Patrick 6 0 0 0
3 Lasczok, Pepe 2 0 0 0
4 Budde, Nina 0 0 0 0
5 Hespe, Max 3 0 0 0
6 Pohlmann, Arne 11 0 0 1
7 Leonie, Reents 0 0 0 0
8 Gerdes, Mats 0 0 0 0
9 Fischer, Nico 0 0 0 0
Round 1 - Group: G
# Team P GD GF GA Played Won Lost Draw
1 WWS Dresden U16 7 12 20 8 3 2 0 1
2 TuS Warfleth U16 7 9 17 8 3 2 0 1
3 UKS Katowice U16 3 -9 11 20 3 1 2 0
4 KGW Essen U16 0 -12 7 19 3 0 3 0
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result
1 08:40 8 UKS Katowice U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 4 - 7
1 12:20 7 WWS Dresden U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 4 - 4
1 18:15 7 KGW Essen U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 0 - 6
Round 2 - Group: AE
# Team P GD GF GA Played Won Lost Draw
1 KP Zürich U16 9 8 17 9 3 3 0 0
2 KCNW Berlin U16 4 -1 10 11 3 1 1 1
3 CCC Barsinghausen U16 3 -1 6 7 3 1 2 0
4 TuS Warfleth U16 1 -6 8 14 3 0 2 1
Day Time Pitch Team A - Team B Result
2 10:30 7 KP Zürich U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 7 - 3
2 13:45 3 KCNW Berlin U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 4 - 4
2 17:25 7 CCC Barsinghausen U16 - TuS Warfleth U16 3 - 1
Day Time Pitch Round Group Team A - Team B Result
3 11:10 7 4 CF TuS Warfleth U16 - WWS Dresden U16 0 - 4

P = Total points, GD = Goal difference, GF = Goals for, GA = Goals against, G = Goals made