Helmond International Tournament 2023

Aktuelles Wetter

HIT2023 a tradition is born

Now, for the third time in a row, HIT will be during the Easter weekend! 3 days the best of the best in Canoe polo and fun :-).

Each team will play at least 8 matches of which 2 on Monday. With up to max 100 teams spread over 5 divisons.

Are you travelling by plane? Ask for our transport support form Eindhoven or Weeze airport.


After you register your team make sure to pay the entry fee (first to pay = first to play)

Bank account    HWC de Helmvaarders 
IBAN                  NL88 RABO 0158600843 
Description:       HIT2023 + "team name" + "division"
Online-Anmeldung von 3 Januar, 2023 bis 18 März, 2023

Route planen     Location: Kanaaldijk Z.O. 50, Helmond, Netherlands