Helmond International Tournament (HIT) 2024

Current weather

HIT will be during the Easter weekend! 3 days the best of the best in Canoe polo and fun :-).

Each team will play at least 7-8 matches of which 2 on Monday. With up to max 104 teams spread over 5 divisons.

The costs will be €250,- euro per team.

Registration starts on december 1 2023, untill march 3 2024.

Make sure all numbers and players are correct, because of the new feature in Kayakers!


Live stream on YouTube:

Day 1, Saturday:  pitch 4    pitch 5
Day 2, Sunday pitch 4   pitch 5
Day 3, Monday pitch 4   pitch 5



Are you travelling by plane? Ask for our transSport support form Eindhoven or Weeze airport.

Hoteloffer is in the bottem of this massage.


After you register your team make sure to pay the entry fee (first to pay = first to play)

Bank account    HWC de Helmvaarders 
IBAN                  NL88 RABO 0158600843 
Description:       HIT2024 + "team name" + "division"
Additional information
Name: De Helmvaarders
Adress: Croeselaan 18, 3521CB Utrecht
Fletcher hotel about 10 minutes walk has next offer during HIT;

I can offer you the following for 1 and 2 person use:

 Exclusive breakfast:

Single room excluding breakfast €104 per night

Double room excluding breakfast €114 per night

3 person room excluding breakfast €124 per night

4 person room excluding breakfast €154 per night


Including breakfast:

Single room including breakfast €120.5 per night

Double room including breakfast €137.00 per night

3 person room including breakfast €173.50 per night

4 person room including breakfast €220.00 per night

 Tourist tax is €3.00 per person per night.

 Parking is possible in our parking garage and costs €10.00 per car per night.

 Teams can contact us directly via this email address; banquetsales@wellnesshotelhelmond.nl

 Please note that it is not possible to reserve 1 night, rates apply for 2 consecutive nights.

Anneke Postma
Send an email
Online registration from December 1st, 2023 until March 3rd

Plan route     Location: Kanaaldijk Z.O., Helmond, Nederland