Helmond International Tournament 2019 Canoe Polo 25th anniversary

Aktuelles Wetter

We are celebrating 25 years of Helmond International Tournament:

Just for once during the Easter weekend. 3 days the best of the best in Canoe polo, for young and old, beginners and pro’s. Each team will play at least 8 matches of which 2 on Monday. With more than 110 teams (approx.800 athletes) spread over 6 divisions and over 500 games, HIT2019 will be the world's biggest canoe polo tournament.

Besides Canoepolo there is a festive program with all kinds of site events. HIT2019, you have to be here!

Are you travelling by plane? Ask for our transport support form Eindhoven or Weeze airport.

After you register your team make sure to pay the entry fee:
Bank account    HWC de Helmvaarders
IBAN                  NL88 RABO 0158600843
Description:       HIT2019 + "team name" + "division"


All other information can be found at https://www.helmvaarders.nl/hit-canoepolo/hit/

Online-Anmeldung von 5 November, 2018 bis 16 April, 2019

Route planen     Location: Kanaaldijk Z.O. 50, Helmond, Netherlands